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Automatic differentiation variational inference

Tutorial: Automatic differentiation variational inference (ADVI)

This tutorial demonstrates the automatic differentiation variational inference (ADVI) AutoGuideVI implementation. It assumes a variational family which mean-field factorizes into a product of Gaussians: $q(z)=iN(zi;μi,σi)q(z) = \prod_i N(z_i; \mu_i, \sigma_i)$ ADVI is a convenient way to perform VI and obtain distributional estimates which include uncertainty. It is appropriate when posteriors are expected to be close to a product of Normals.


# Install Bean Machine in Colab if using Colab.
import sys

if "google.colab" in sys.modules and "beanmachine" not in sys.modules:
!pip install beanmachine
import torch.distributions as dist
import beanmachine.ppl as bm
import torch
from import ADVI
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import os

# Plotting settings
plt.rc("figure", figsize=[8, 6])
plt.rc("font", size=14)
plt.rc("lines", linewidth=2.5)

# Manual seed

# Other settings for the notebook.
smoke_test = "SANDCASTLE_NEXUS" in os.environ or "CI" in os.environ

ADVI on a Normal-Normal model

This example considers a Normal-Normal model where both the prior μN(0,10)\mu \sim N(0, 10) and observation model xμN(μ,1)x \mid \mu \sim N(\mu, 1) are Normal distributions. All of ADVI's assumptions are satisfied in this setting.

std_0 = 10. # scale for mu
std_x = 1. # scale for observations x(i)

def mu():
return dist.Normal(
torch.zeros(1), std_0 * torch.ones(1)

def x(i):
return dist.Normal(mu(), std_x * torch.ones(1))

observations = {x(i): torch.tensor(1.0) for i in range(10)}

The posterior distribution μx\mu \mid x is Gaussian due to conjugacy. Below, we use conjugacy to compute its location and scale in closed form

expected_variance = 1 / (
(std_0**-2) + (sum(observations.values()) / std_x**2)
expected_std = torch.sqrt(expected_variance)
expected_mean = expected_variance * (
(sum(observations.values()) / std_x**2)
print(expected_mean, expected_std)

tensor(0.9990) tensor(0.3161)

ADVI makes a mean-field assumption, but this does not matter since there is a single 1-dimensional latent random variable. It also uses a Gaussian variational approximation, but this is appropriate for this example since by conjugacy we know this assumption is valid. Hence, we expect ADVI to yield a good approximation:

v_world = ADVI(queries=[mu()], observations=observations,).infer(

0%| | 0/1000 [00:00<?, ?it/s]


Normal(loc: tensor([1.0096], requires_grad=True), scale: tensor([0.3336], grad_fn=<SoftplusBackward0>))

Below we visualize the density functions for the target and the ADVI approximation.

with torch.no_grad():
xs = torch.linspace(-4, 4, steps=100)
'mu': xs,
'target': dist.Normal(expected_mean, expected_std).log_prob(xs),
'ADVI approximation': v_world.get_guide_distribution(mu()).log_prob(xs),
}).melt(id_vars=['mu'], value_name='log_prob'),